How to edit every component in the website.

Here's an updated step-by-step guide for creating a decentralized website using the "1W3" builder with a blank canvas:

  • Template Marketplace:

    • In the template marketplace, choose the option to start with a blank canvas. This will provide you with a clean slate to create your decentralized website from scratch.

Click the 'Add Block' button, and you'll be presented with a variety of blocks to choose from.

  • Add blocks:

    • Once you're in the builder with the blank canvas, you'll see a canvas area with no content blocks initially. From the top of the builder interface, select the "Add Blocks" option.

  • Select relevant blocks:

    • In the block library, you'll find a variety of blocks that you can use to build your decentralized website. Look for blocks like avatars, headings, paragraphs, links, images, and social icons.

  • Choose and edit blocks:

    • To add a block to your canvas, click on the desired block, fill in the details, and then click the 'Submit' button. Drag and drop the blocks, this allows you to position the block wherever you want on your decentralized website.

  • Customize blocks:

    • Once you've added a block, you can customize it by clicking on it. This will bring up options to edit the content, style, and settings of the block. Modify the block properties according to your preferences.

  • Continue adding and customizing blocks:

    • Repeat the steps to add and customize additional blocks to your decentralized website. You can mix and match different block types to create a visually appealing and functional decentralized website.

Last updated