Welcome to 1W3

Build your Decentralized Websites with our no-code Web3Site builder.


1W3 is a no-code decentralized link in bio website builder. Your personal, censorship-resistant hub to showcase your unique identity and creations. With your own Web3 domain, you'll have complete control over your digital presence, free from centralized control. Effortlessly integrate your social profiles, portfolio, blog, NFTs, videos, podcasts, photos, calendar, and more, all on a single, customizable page.

1W3 is revolutionizing the decentralized web by providing a user-friendly alternative to linkstree. Our platform simplifies the process of creating a decentralized website on Web3 domains, removing the complexities associated with IPFS CID, and Content Hash for non-technical users. By leveraging decentralized web storage solutions like IPFS and Arweave, we guarantee censorship resistance and complete control over digital presence. Users can effortlessly integrate their social profiles, portfolio, blog, NFTs, videos, podcasts, photos, calendar, and more, all on a single, customizable page. Whether using a Web3 domain like .eth, .bnb, .arb or a traditional web2 domain like .com, .net, .org, our solution ensures the utmost safety, security, and accessibility of content worldwide. Join us to embrace the power of decentralization and showcase your unique identity and creations without centralized control.

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